Personal profile


Dr. Layne holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship in post-war Bosnia and conducted extensive trainings with clinicians working with youth exposed to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks. Dr. Layne is a co-author of several widely-used manualized interventions including Psychological First AidSkills for Psychological RecoveryFamilies Overcoming Under Stress, and Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents. Dr. Layne is lead developer of multidimensional grief theory and has constructed and validated measures of grief reactions, war exposure, and social support. He also led the development of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s (NCTSN) Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma since its 2006 launch. Dr. Layne worked closely with the American Psychiatric Association in creating developmentally sensitive criteria for Prolonged Grief Disorder in DSM-5-TR. He is currently Principal Investigator of a SAHMSA NCTSN Category II grant overseeing the adaptation and evaluation of the Core Curriculum for training in psychology and child psychiatry. Dr. Layne’s professional interests include the assessment and treatment of traumatic stress/PTSD and bereavement/grief, competency-based professional education, evidence-based practice, evidence-based assessment, research methods, developmental psychopathology, and resilience. He provides trainings and consultation in many settings including high-risk schools, juvenile justice, community violence, and cases involving traumatic bereavement.

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Education/Academic qualification

Post-Doctoral Fellow, UCLA Trauma Psychiatry Service


Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles

… → 1996

Clinical Psychology Intern, West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Medical Center


M.A. clinical psychology, University of California, Los Angeles

… → 1991

B.A. Psychology, University of Utah

… → 1989

External positions

Principal Investigator, UCCS Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience

2021 → …

Research Professor, University of Colorado Colorado Springs

2020 → …

Program Director of Education in Evidence-Based Practice, UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress


Health Professional Researcher, University of California, Los Angeles


Program Director of Treatment and Intervention Development, UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress


Program Director of Treatment and Intervention Development, UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress


Assistant Professor of Psychology, Brigham Young University


Post-Doctoral Fellow, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and Hospital


Field Director, UNICEF Bosnia & Hercegovina Post-War Psychosocial Program for War-Exposed Adolescents


Clinical Psychology Intern, West Los Angeles VA Medical Center


Pre-Doctoral Psychology Intern, Brentwood VA Medical Center


Wildfire Crisis Intervention Counselor, Pepperdine University


Pre-Doctoral Psychology Extern, San Fernando High School


Psychology Trainee, UCLA Psychology Clinic


Mental Health Specialist, Olympus View Hospital


Christopher M. Layne Psychological Services, Private Practice


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Psychology