Personal profile


Dr. Mensinger is an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical and School Psychology. Her research examines eating disorders treatment, prevention, and diagnosis specifically using a trauma-informed, weight-inclusive lens. Broadly speaking, her work uses a health equity perspective that seeks to eradicate weight stigma and barriers to care especially in marginalized populations. Presently, she is conducting a study assessing the feasibility of using HRV biofeedback with healthcare providers to enhance resilience, interoceptive awareness, and mindful self-care behaviors to help them cope with the extreme stressors of working in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Education/Academic qualification

Postdoctoral training fellow, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

… → 2005

Postdoctoral training fellow, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia/ University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

… → 2004

Ph.D. Psychology, City University of New York

… → 2003

B.A. Psychology, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

… → 1996

External positions

Associate Professor, Villanova University


Associate Research Professor, Drexel University


Associate Teaching Professor, Drexel University


Assistant Teaching Professor, Drexel University


Director of Research, Tower Health


Assistant Professor, SUNY Downstate College of Medicine



  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Psychology