Mario A. D’Agostino is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Writing and Communication. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in English at York University in Toronto, Canada. He received his M.A. and B.A. in English Language and Literature at the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada. At York, D’Agostino served on the executive committee of the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies and was actively involved in hosting interdisciplinary graduate student conferences and promoting Canadian cross-disciplinary studies.
D’Agostino’s dissertation, “The Plot and the Archive,” employs interdisciplinary museological and curatorial techniques to study representations of history in a variety of texts. His work has been published in Pivot: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Thought and The Bull Calf Review. His research interests include rhetorical theory, historiography, museology, archival studies, and the contemporary novel.
At York, D’Agostino taught classes focusing on intertextualities, introduction to literary study, and contemporary literature. For the last nine months, he worked as an Editorial Assistant for Taylor and Francis publishing company in Boca Raton. At Taylor and Francis, D’Agostino oversaw biomedical and mechanical engineering publications.