Personal profile


My current research focus is on coral reef monitoring to assess changes in community structure throughout the Florida Keys. The program started in 1998 and includes multiple habitat types and no-take marine reserves in its design. Sample design statistics are used to estimate the distribution and abundance of corals, gorgonians, sponges, urchins, and more.  A new project relates to octocoral biology and ecology to support effective management of these organisms for the marine life aquarium trade. I am also interested in coral reef restoration, especially related to staghorn and elkhorn corals in the Florida Keys. Past research includes water quality studies related to nutrient dynamics and pollution in the Florida Keys and tracking fish inside and outside marine reserves using acoustic telemetry.

In addition to scientific research, I work to advance innovative and entertaining communication projects.  I am a founding member of the Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Campaign (, which produces short films and public service announcements. I was Executive Producer for the documentary film, Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was sold to Showtime TV.

From 1991 to 2011 I was a Research Professor at the University of North Carolina –Wilmington, where I directed their National Undersea Research Center (1998 – 2004), including developing and running the Aquarius underwater laboratory in the Florida Keys. I am a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. I served on the Board of Directors for the Ocean Conservancy and currently I am on the Board of Directors of the Coral Restoration Foundation, where I chair their Science Advisory Committee.

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Education/Academic qualification

B.A., Brown University

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst


  • Life Sciences
  • Biology
  • Marine Biology