Chapter 19 Functions and Benefits of an Organizational Ombuds

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Interpersonal Conflicts in the workplace are often viewed as an inevitable “cost of doing business”. When there are attempts to mitigate the damaging effects of ignoring workplace conflict, some organizations rely on traditionally accepted methods such as documentation, discipline, probation, or termination, often facilitated by offices of Human Resources and Legal Affairs. Furthermore, employees are often reluctant to use these offices to report issues that contribute to workplace conflict because of fear of going “on record” and possible retaliation. A more recent development within the varied menu of organizational resources to help mitigate the negative costs of workplace conflict is the Office of the Ombuds, staffed by one or more Organizational Ombuds (OO). The chapter presents a scenario of a somewhat typical workplace conflict scenario. It compares and contrasts how it was handled in an institution of higher education without an OO, and how it might have been handled if an OO was available and involved. Within this “story”, readers are informed about the role and potential benefits of having an Office of the Ombuds accessible to their employees.

Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationDe Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management
Number of pages12
StatePublished - Sep 1 2022

Publication series

NameDe Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management


  • Workplace Conflict
  • Costs of Organizational Conflict
  • Dispute Settlement
  • Conflict Coaching


  • Business
  • Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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