Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills

Neil Katz, John W. Lawyer, Marcia K Sweedler

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    <p> Turn stressful, difficult situations into experiences of openness and clarity.</p><p> Communication &amp; Conflict Resolution Skills provides practical applications for improving communication and personal or professional leadership effectiveness. Instructors and trainers can use this book as a reference, and as a workbook to supplement workshops and learning experiences in communication and conflict management.</p><p> This book presents practical knowledge and skills in a series of small, understandable units that the reader can practice, master, and use as building blocks to enhance interpersonal and group success. Topics include:</p><p> Information Sharing &horbar; learn to identify personal outcomes in communication and the outcomes of others. Establish and maintain rapport, and use language effectively to ensure that the message is accurate and clear. Reflective Listening &horbar; develop the ability to clearly hear what another is communicating and understand what is being said at both the content and feeling level. Problem Solving &horbar; formulate accurate problem statements, clarify problems, and facilitate the problem solving of others. The skills of transferral and referral are also covered. Assertion &horbar; communicate thoughts, feelings, and concerns directly in a way that does not damage self-esteem or endanger the relationship. Conflict Resolution &horbar; develop skills of conflict awareness, styles recognition, diagnosis, conflict resolution, and problem solving. Learn two processes of managing and resolving conflicts, one for managing conflicts around human needs and another model addressing conflicts of resources and/or values. Chapter overviews, exercises, and chapter summaries are included to promote understanding and skill development.</p><p> This second edition now incorporates current research articles and reference links in every chapter so the reader can go beyond the material presented in the text for a more global perspective on communication and conflict resolution skills.</p>
    Original languageAmerican English
    StatePublished - Dec 6 2010


    • communication
    • conflict management
    • conflict resolution


    • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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