Educational Challenges in the U.S. in times of COVID-19: Experiences from Parents of PreK-12 Students

Elena Bastidas, Gabriel Ipasu, Lizyvette Ramos, Alithia Payan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) originated in 2019. It forced school systems to innovate digital portals as an online learning option for schools, parents, and legal guardians. As a result, parental responsibility towards student education surmounts traditional standards and poses new dilemmas. Throughout generations, technology ebbed and flowed through human interaction. The brinks of COVID-19 and the intrusive influx of technology in the educational system displayed prevalent opportunities, which revealed existing and potential conflicts that parents and students experience during the 2020-2021 school year. This descriptive study was conducted to gain insight from parents and legal guardians about the untold stories, challenges, and conflicts in navigating through either: in-person (traditional/face-to-face on-campus learning, following health safety guidelines), distance learning (online/e-learning directed by school and/or district, guided by teachers), or homeschooling (online/e-learning directed by a third party and/or guided by the parent).

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Feb 10 2021
EventPeace and Conflict Studies Journal (PCSJ) Annual Conference - Nova Southeastern University, Davie, United States
Duration: Feb 10 2021 → …


ConferencePeace and Conflict Studies Journal (PCSJ) Annual Conference
Abbreviated titlePCSJ Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Period2/10/21 → …
Internet address


  • Peace and Conflict Studies

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