Improving Curriculum Development in Conflict Resolution Programs through Scholarship of Engagement

Elena Bastidas, Consuelo Kelley

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


The content of this session focuses on curriculum development in the area of Conflict Resolution (CR), with the goal of enhancing the SOTL by introducing a field immersion component to program courses. The poster presentation is based on two Global Practicum courses where a field immersion component took place in Ecuador (2010) and Suriname (2011). The field immersion took place in a context where the institutional setting for these courses was developed under a partnering relationship among the University offering the course, and local organizations, academic institutions, government officials in the host country. In each of the two cases discussed, students traveled to the field/conflict settings for fifteen days, where they engaged in a variety of activities with local farmers, community groups, local organizations and policy-makers. These courses combined experiential learning and scholarship of engagement within the context of CR. The course activities before, during and after the courses were selected in order to facilitate transformational learning. The poster analyzes SOTL implications of designing curriculum that embraces experiential learning and scholarship of engagement for CR.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Mar 9 2012
EventSoTL Commons Conference: A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - Hyatt Regency, Savannah, United States
Duration: Mar 7 2012Mar 9 2012
Conference number: 2012
http://A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


ConferenceSoTL Commons Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Conflict Resolution Programs
  • Curriculum development
  • Ecuador
  • Experiential learning
  • Global Practicum courses
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Scholarship of engagement
  • SoTL
  • Suriname


  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education
  • Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
  • Educational Methods
  • Higher Education
  • Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

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